Tuesday morning and the water taxis have been replaced by fishing boats and the beach-goers by cats, collecting random fish from the day's catch. |
Wednesday morning and the long awaited storm reached us at the same time as the Blue Star. |
Heading off into the storm. My camera isn't good enough to catch the lightning but if you go to Symi Dream, Neil and James took some amazing video footage of lightning strikes at this stage of the storm. |
The stream that comes down the Kataraktis came down in full spate, pouring through the back of the harbour and into the sea, hence the murky water. This is why we have a bridge! |
The chap in the yellow raincoat was actually barefoot, carrying his shoes in his hand as the water was ankle deep. |
The day trippers that came over on the Symi Sea Dream on the right may have thought more in terms of the Sea Nightmare as they had a very rough crossing with lightning all around. There were a few green faces in the cafes. |
The first carpet seller arrived on Wednesday evening's Diagoras. Here he is, displaying his wares to a Chorio housewife on Thursday evening. |
Friday morning and the harbour is underwater again, this time due to a barometric low which has caused the sea level to rise and lap up through the gratings. This is a common phenomenon in the winter months and is the reason for the high pavements. |
The end of the tourist season was memorable this year in that it was marked by violently stormy weather and heavy rain across the whole of Greece and two days later it is still raining. The electrical storm that passed over Symi on Wednesday morning took out many electrical appliances on the island as well as telephone lines and routers and we had power outages and brown outs at various points in the course of Wednesday. As there aren't large stocks of these things on Symi many Symiots are off the air until new routers arrive by special delivery. As the weather is not expected to improve until Sunday and thunderstorms are still possible, we are unplugging everything, including the webcam, when we are out of the office.
The weather is expected to improve from Sunday afternoon and it should be clear and sunny all week. Good news for Sunday weddings and the Ochi Day parade on Wednesday.
Have a good weekend.