Smokey Thursday - Party Time in Chorio!
For more photos see Out and About.
A well known rep lurks behind this mask. Answers on a postcard, please!
Not her normal fare - Lemonia from Syllogos passes round the pork souvlaki.
Pretty in pink - a bevy of local beauties pose for Wendy.
Why is James scratching his ear with a souvlaki? Why is Harry wearing a spiderman outfit? Can that be Wendy wearing too much eyeshadow?
I don't know about a "well known rep" - my eyes have been that colour after a night with some well known Symi visitors...
Frances wouldn't wear that colour wig, would she?
I'm sure it's Frances - though whether with a wig or just dyed hair I'm not so certain. If the latter, I hope it's a dye that will wash out!