Bathtubs and Toilet Bowls
Winter is once again rattling at our windows as the approaching equinox brings with it an extensive storm system. Heavy low cloud is rolling over the Vigla and the murky haze blocking the view of surrounding Turkey has the pink cast of an impending dust storm. The long range forecast shows strong winds and heavy rain with thunder storms for the whole country for at least a week. The prognosis for the Independence Day parade on the 25th is not good.
Some of the worst weather we have had this winter actually occurred in October and at this stage it looks as though the winter season may be ending as turbulently as it began.
Meanwhile the first Easter eggs are appearing in the shops and the lambs are almost as big as their mothers. The olive trees are starting to bud and the broad beans are plumping in their pods.
A crowd is gathering outside our office, waiting for the Proteus to come in. This is the first car ferry for some days and people are waiting for bathtubs and toilet bowls, fresh milk and frozen peas.
Have a good week.