Aromas of grilled fish
The summer heat has rolled back over Symi and we have been sizzling since Saturday night. A steady procession of flushed and dripping visitors has passed through our offices today and we have been handing out bottles of cold water like seconds on a marathon route. What little breeze there is is about as refreshing as opening the door of a convection oven, compounded by the aromas of grilled fish drifting up from the taverna below. Anyone with any sense is either in the sea or in the shade.
The delinquent rodents have once again munched their way through all the black plastic water pipes from the road head junction that serve the small holdings in our area. Obviously the first one to try this stunt was rewarded by a gusher and everyone else is now trying the same trick. The only long term solution will be to lay galvanised pipes and watch the sparks fly! In the meantime we are growing accustomed to replacing the same stretch of pipe work each week...And hope the rat cubes we have been putting out will eventually take effect.
Have a good week.