Jenine and Ian's wedding went off beautifully
Jenine and Ian's wedding went off beautifully. Even the weather behaved and the rain clouds held back until the festivities were over. Today's photograph was taken on the beach at Saint Nicholas in Pedi. We will be putting up more photographs on the Out and About page later.
On the subject of weather, the long range forecast for the week is showers and downpours. The town hall has been issuing announcements on the tannoy, warning everyone to move their cars out of the town square and the water courses in case of flooding. Unfortunately the more paths and roads are concreted over the greater the likelihood of flooding as there is nowhere for the water to be absorbed or captured and there are no storm water drains to duct the water harmlessly away. It has been misty all day with low grey clouds, high humidity and no wind. The sea is glassy grey and the gulet drifting off Harani looks as though it has been painted, it is so still. As the rain comes from the south it is still warm with temperatures in the mid to high twenties.
With the elections only a week away both mayoral candidates are holding meetings for the foreign electorate, tonight at the Alethini and tomorrow night at the Conference Centre respectively.
Have a good week.